Islamic Beliefs and Modern Culture
Beliefs are the central point of any religion. The whole religion revolves around them. In order to understand a religion, we have to see the belief system of it. Why? Because it is the belief system which determines whether a particular religion is true or not. Furthermore the beliefs also determine a pathway for the followers. Experience does not feel any hesitation to proclaim that the actions of any man are the reflection of his beliefs. If we study Islam and try to understand it without any prior prejudice we will surely reach to a conclusion that Islam is not a man-made religion. It is a religion which has been granted to humanity as a gift by its creator who knows the needs of human beings. He made Islam in complete harmony with the nature of man. And we see that whosoever practices Islam perfectly finds himself in most perfect state of inner happiness and tranquility. Muslims believe in Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ and they believe that he is All-knowing and A...